A genetic screening test that determine the genetic health risks of pregnancy such as Down syndrome or other common chromosomal abnormalities.
We are able to screen out if the fetus will be at high risk to have certain disease as early as 10 weeks of pregnancy using a single blood draw.
It will be more convenient and accurate than traditional serum screening. It also provides us a possibility to know the result earlier than amniotic fluid test.
Origin of Cell-free fetal DNA (cffDNA)
cffDNA originates from placental trophoblasts and it is circulating freely in maternal bloodstream. cffDNA can first be observed as early as 5-7 weeks gestations, the amount of cffDNA increases as the pregnancy progresses.
Importance of Confirmation When NIPT is “High Risk”
While NIPT is an excellent screening test, it can only provide RISK ASSESSMENT.
If the NIPT result indicates high risk, a further confirmatory DIAGNOSTIC TEST is recommended to identify the condition of fetus.
Testing information
NIPT is a screening test, it detects cell free DNA which originates from placenta and may not be 100% representative of the fetal condition. Only DNA from amniotic fluid can totally represent the fetal DNA/conditions.
To provide a comprehensive service for pregnant mothers while considering the limitations in every genetic testing, GGA provides high resolution SNP microarray analysis as follow-up diagnostic test.
Now GGA would like to extend favors to the pregnant mother who chooses GGA NIPT, you will get a discount on SNP microarray analysis, it is applicable for Prenatal & Newborn & Childhood genetic test.
SNP microarray analysis is recommended for pregnant women who:
- desires definitive and comprehensive information about fetus.
- have a family history of congenital anomalies or a previous pregnancy with a fetus with chromosomal abnormalities.
- have abnormal prenatal findings from ultrasound scans, karyotype, and other screening tests (e.g. NIPT, First/Second-trimester maternal serum Down Syndrome screening).
- Non-invasive Prenatal Test (NIPT) showing no-call or inconclusive results due to low fetal fraction.
- carries multiple gestations.
- achieved pregnancy by Preimplantation Genetic Testing for Aneuploidy (PGT-A).
Kindly contact us for discount details.
For more information about SNP microarray, please visit:
Depending on your needs, GGA provides different testing options for you.
What is NIPT?
Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT) is a blood test of the mother that determine the genetic health risks of pregnancy such as Down syndrome or other common chromosomal abnormalities being present in her developing baby.
How accurate is NIPT?
NIPT is more accurate than traditional screening tests for chromosome conditions such as ultrasound and older blood tests. It is much better at correctly identifying whether the baby has, or does not have, the condition being tested. However, NIPT is not perfect. It is still important that your doctor reviews all of the relevant tests about your pregnancy, and you may be advised to have additional tests as part of your care.
Am I eligible for NIPT?
Non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) can be done from the 10th week of pregnancy and onwards. It can also be ordered for IVF pregnancies, donor egg pregnancies and twin pregnancies. Talk to your obstetrician / doctor to find out if you are suitable for non-invasive prenatal test.
Does NIPT tells me the sex of my baby?
Yes, NIPT can test for the presence of a Y chromosome (the male sex chromosome). For twin pregnancies this could indicate either two females (if Y chromosome absent) or at least one male (if Y chromosome present).
How long will I get my results?
Your results are typically sent to your doctor in 10 working days from the day your blood sample was received in our testing laboratory.
Do I still need an ultrasound after done NIPT?
Definitely yes. Ultrasound could identify any important conditions affecting the baby that would not be detected by NIPT.
Who are not suitable for NIPT?
Individuals with the following conditions are not suitable for NIPT screening and it is recommended that non-NIPT test methods (such as amniotic fluid karyotype analysis, amniotic fluid microarray) be considered:
(1) twins (multiple gestations) (2) vanishing twin, (3) the patient or her partner (father of pregnancy) has chromosomal abnormalities, (4) previous history of transplantation, cell therapy, or allogenic transfusion in the
last year, (5) cancer (except benign uterine fibroids), (6) maternal weight greater than 100 kg at the time of blood draw, (7) fetal structural abnormalities on ultrasound (heart defect, gastrointestinal tract obstruction,
kidney and urinary tract abnormalities, and hydrops fetalis).
Limitations of NIPT
Noninvasive prenatal testing (NIPT) based on cell-free DNA analysis from maternal blood is a screening test; it is not diagnostic. False positive and false negative results do occur. This test does not screen for birth defects such as open neural tube defects, or other conditions, such as autism.
Not all numerical and structural chromosomal abnormalities can be detected by this test. This test is unable to detect chromosome abnormalities outside of the testing scope, mosaic chromosomal abnormalities, chromosomal balanced translocation or inversion, chromosome rearrangement, uniparental disomy (UPD), single gene disorders, complex genetic disorders, mitochondrial disease, and birth defects caused by environmental factors (infection, drugs, radiation, and etc.).